mentioned before about how great all the Cast Members were at Disney World. Well - the following story and pictures would not have been such a great memory had it not been for the Cast Member dressed as Woody and the Photopass Photographer who captured the entire event.
So - while Quinn and I were waiting in line to see Woody and Buzz Lightyear Quinn noticed that he only had Buzz on his shirt. "But Mommy, Woody will be sad, because I don't have him on my shirt."
Do you want to draw Woody a picture? "Do you think that will make him feel better?"
I do. "Okay."
And so Quinn drew Woody a picture - and even signed his name on it!
When we finally made it to the front of the line - Quinn went right up to Woody and gave him the picture. "Here Woody. I drew this for you and signed my name for you!"

And Woody quickly gave Quinn a hug.

And brought him in a little closer...

And just that would have been enough. That would have made me happy.

But then, Woody made such a big deal out of that picture. He showed it off to Buzz. He pretended to hang it up on the wall. He danced around a little. And showed it off to Buzz again. It was perfect. And just that would have been enough.

And so Quinn asked for Woody's autograph.
And Woody called Quinn closer to watch what he was writing.

And Woody wrote, "Howdy Cowboy! Thanks a LOT! Your pal, Woody"

And just that would have been enough. But no. Woody held up that picture for the picture. And then, yes then, is when the really magical part happened. The "character handler" asked Woody, "hey Woody, you want me to hold onto that for you?" And Woody shook his head NO and put that picture right into his holster belt and patted his 'pocket'!
When we got outside to meet up with Mike and Liam Quinn saw Mike and said, "Daddy! I gave Woody a picture and my autograph and he put it in his pocket and is going to keep it FOREVER Daddy! Woody's got my picture in his pocket!"
And then I almost burst into happy tears!
how very very wonderful.. er... MAGICAL!
really.. what a sweet story and memory!
I think I am going to cry. That was so awesome! I love it when people do their job so darn well it just takes the cake.
That's awesome. I love Disney for things like this. Did you ever see this? http://www.flickr.com/photos/problemgirl/2942999395/
Oh, you have to read the story with it, not just look at the picture. Sorry about that.
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