We were only able to make the rope drop once this trip (with three visits to the MK). Of course, one of those three visits we were in the park before it opened having breakfast with Chip, Dale, Pluto, and Minnie Mouse - so that's fun too.

Anyway - the ceremony is pretty neat and always involves a real live family. Like one they pick from people waiting around for the park to open. Could you imagine being that family? I think part of the reason the show brings tears to my eyes is because I am truly so happy for that family.
Of course - once the show is over they "drop the ropes" and let everyone into the Most Magical Place on Earth. And then, it's the walk up to the castle that gets me. And all the Cast Members standing outside their shops wishing everyone a "Good morning!" Oh! I just love it.
Oh - and all these pictures were taken with a disposable camera! I left the freshly charged camera battery at our hotel room. Could you imagine? A disposable camera? I think I did alright with it...
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