- I need somewhere warm to look forward to in order to survive another winter.
- Liam won't be three yet - free park tickets and he can eat off of our plates for the dining plan
- Quinn is still asking to eat with the princesses
- All the t-shirts I got for our last trip still fit the boys
- If we do buy DVC via Disney and not resale - we'll get a bunch of "bonus" points to use in 2010 and be able to stay in a really nice one or two bedroom
- I don't want to go in the summer of 2010 - too hot. And Quinn might have his surgery in the beginning of the summer.
- I don't want to go in the fall of 2010 - Quinn will just be starting kindergarten.
- I would only have to take two days off of work in order for us to go Tuesday-Tuesday. (That's if we go in February - if we went in March - oh help us, we'd go during spring break.)
- I was going to say that Liam will still be small enough for this to happen, but I'm not so sure after looking at this picture!

At EPCOT - during the fireworks show.
One of my most favorite memories.